The villa at Viale Evangelista Torricelli 5, where the NIKI is housed, is located among the hills just outside Florence’s city walls and is the property of the Fondation Custodia.
The NIKI is part of the Dutch Academic Institutes Abroad (NWIB), the board of which consists of representatives of the executive boards of the six participating universities, i.e. the University of Amsterdam, the Free University Amsterdam, the University of Groningen, Leiden University, Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University.

The NIKI provides students and researchers with study facilities, supervision, accommodation and opportunities to publish in a city with unparalleled amenities for academic research and international professional development. The institute also organizes educational activities (seminars and courses), lectures and symposiums. Just as the Fondation Custodia, the NIKI has the status of a cultural Public Benefit Organization (ANBI).
You can find more information on the NIKI’s website: